Golden Age Gymnastics: Prevent Osteoporosis by Keeping Moving

Golden Age Gymnastics: Prevent Osteoporosis by Keeping Moving

Old age is often considered as the age when it is time for vacation. Enjoying old age while doing activities that cannot be done during the productive age. But unfortunately, for some people, old age means a decrease in body activity to move. Pain and discomfort begin to be felt when doing activities in old age. In addition, some diseases begin to overshadow as the activity decreases.

Recognizing the risk of declining activities in old age, National Hospital Surabaya initiated a community called the Golden Age Community. This community for elderly people started its first activity with the Golden Age Gymnastics. This exercise is intended to maintain the fitness of the elderly. Then the activity continued with a session with the doctor. On this occasion, dr. Stefanie, SpKFR explained how to prevent osteoporosis, a bone disease that is prone to be experienced by the elderly. The next activity is the Golden Age Class, where participants are invited to be creative in painting. In addition, a chessboard is provided to play. Through this session, participants are invited to be creative and socialize. While painting and doing activities, snacks and warm drinks are provided. The formation of this community is expected to be developed into a forum for elderly people to interact and have activities. The name Golden Age itself was given to this community because old age does not mean being inactive or experiencing various health problems, but rather a time when everyone can be more active and stay fit. For the nearest Golden Age Community schedule, there will be gymnastics and other activities on Saturday, February 22, 2020 with dr. Farida A., SpKFR. For complete activity information 031-2975777 ext. 1912 or 1931
