Tanya Kami
info@national-hospital.com-Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya
-Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Education of Universitas Airlangga
-Geriatric Psychiatric Consultant from the Kolegium Psikiatri Indonesia
-Basic Clinical Hypnotherapy Surabaya 2005
-Psychotherapy at Department of Psychiatry UNAIR 2006
-Cognitive Behavior Therapy at Department of Psychiatry UNIAR 2006
-Sharpening counseling technigue and psychotherapy Malang 2007
-Introduction of Research Methodology for Young Lecture Surabaya 2008
-Neuro-semantics, Neuro Linguistics Surabaya 2008 program
-TOT for caregiver in the elderly-community based Lawang 2008
-Training for Internal Auditor for Quality Management systems ISO 9001:2000 Surabaya 2010
-Training for empowering skills in medical presentation Jakarta 2011
-Training for Good Clinical Practice Surabaya 2012
-TULIP Training Kuala Lumpur 2012
Lebih Sedikit-Basic Clinical Hypnotherapy Surabaya 2005
-Psychotherapy at Department of Psychiatry UNAIR 2006
-Cognitive Behavior Therapy at Department of Psychiatry UNIAR 2006
-Sharpening counseling technigue and psychotherapy Malang ...
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-IDI Member
-PDSKJI member
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