dr. Lunardhi Susanto, Sp.And, M.Kes
Jadwal dr. Lunardhi Susanto, Sp.And, M.Kes
  • Selasa 10:00 - 12:00
  • Rabu 19:30 - 21:00
  • Sabtu 13:00 - 15:00
Jadwalkan Pertemuan

dr. Lunardhi Susanto, Sp.And, M.Kes

Andrology and Sexual Infertility


  • Pendidikan dr. Lunardhi Susanto, Sp.And, M.Kes
  • -Faculty of Medicine of Hang Tuah University

    -Master of Reproductive Health Sciences, Airlangga University

    -Andrology Specialist Study Program, Airlangga University

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