Bye-Bye Virus HPV

Stop Cervical Cancer with the HPV VaccineProtect yourself and stay informed! The HPV vaccine is a game-changer ...

Influenza Package

Many were sacrificed due to the body dropping due to flu and coughing attacks. Here, the National Hospital will ...

Wellnes Package

The Wellness Package is one of the health examination packages with the best offer to see a more complete ...

Parents Gathering DBL Academy

National Hospital had the opportunity to attend the grand opening at the same time as the Parents Gathering. ...

Medical Check Up CT Cardiac + Calcium Score

Complete package to check your body health!Through this package, patients get various benefits such as: ...

It's fun to do gymnastics while discussing the rotavirus vaccine

This event is just as exciting as other events!The Ang Kang Hoo National Hospital auditorium was packed last ...

Skrining Osteoarthritis Lutut

The knee pain is over!Do you have a dream of being active until you're 60 or older?National Hospital is ready ...

Skrining Osteoarthritis Panggul

Don't let the pain continue for days to worsen the pelvic condition.This package can help patients gain a ...

Stroke Screening

Early Detection Stroke Screening with National Hospital. Including non-contrast head MRI and consulting with a ...

Healthy Life, Healthy Weight

Last Saturday, National Hospital had an exciting conversation discussing the right diet for the body. In this ...

Healthy Life, Healthy Weight

This year's resolution, my diet is working!Clinical nutrition specialist from the National Hospital, dr. ...

Christmas Carol

HO HO HO!!There is Santa sharing at the National Hospital.National Hospital is giving out small gifts filled ...